Thursday, November 13, 2008

The waning authority of Christ

A. W. Tozer wrote an amazing article that I am thinking over in my mind right now. Here is a brief portion of the first few paragraphs and some thoughts to follow. You can read the entire article here.

"Let me state the cause of my burden. It is this: Jesus Christ has today almost no authority at all among the groups that call themselves by His name....It is a basic doctrine of the New Testament that after His resurrection the Man Jesus was declared by God to be both Lord and Christ, and that He was invested by the Father with absolute Lordship over the church which is His Body. All authority is His in heaven and in earth. In His own proper time He will exert it to the full, but during this period in history He allows this authority to be challenged or ignored. And just now it is being challenged by the world and ignored by the church." -A.W. Tozer
I was personally challenged as I read this article. It challenged me because it made me think about my own life- am I ignoring Christ's authority and rule in my life? It's obvious that the world is challenging the authority of Christ....that is all around us, but when he then said the church ignores that same authority it stopped me....made me I doing that? Have I bowed to his lordship in my life? Do I really believe he's "in charge" of everything? Do I act like it in the world or do I live in fear and panic at what I think is looming in front of us as a country and race? What authority does Christ have in my life? What authority have I given to the king of the universe? What a strange thought....what authority have I given to him....the whole idea is so contrary to the rule of kings, but for now that is how he has allowed it to surrender to the king is a choice I must make. Someday everyone will bow, but what a shame that the king does not seem to be king in the lives of the very ones he died for.

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