Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thankful, part 3

Thanksgiving day is a week away, so I want to take the week leading up to this American holiday to celebrate a few of the things I'm thankful for. I invite you to share your thoughts as well as we give thanks for all that God is and all he has done. This idea of being thankful is a daily practice for many of us, but with a holiday set aside to be thankful this is a great time to talk about all of God's blessings.............
Part 3- I'm thankful that I can talk to God and he listens.
One of the great invitations of the bible is for us to talk to God. We call it prayer, but it's very simply an invitation to come and visit with the creator. He invites us to talk to him anywhere, anytime about anything and he tells us he hears and listens. I'm thankful for a God who cares and listens.
The world is a very lonely place at times. I see so many who are alone with no one who seems to care for them, but God does. Whether you are rich beyond your wildest dreams or homeless and sleeping under a bridge God cares about you and listens when you call. This week is a great time to simply talk to God and thank him. Don't wait for the prayer of thanks on Thursday, but talk to him often. He hears, he cares and he answers prayer.
I'm so thankful that we have a God who listens when we call.

1 comment:

  1. u have a awesome blog entry today!!! these lift my spirits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
