Friday, November 07, 2008

Random thoughts on a Friday morning

It's been a busy week and I haven't had time to think or write much this week, so today will simply be some random thoughts on the last week. Ok, ready? Here we go.....
1. After a crazy election process we now have a new president. Reality will dictate that not much will really change. Having watched this happen many times in my life I know the reality that "CHANGE" is minimal and promises made are almost impossible to keep.
2. I'm surprised at the e-mails I am getting....."Oh no! The anti-Christ has come! The end of the world is here!!" or, on the other side I've seen this.... "Now we have hope and peace will come. A great new day has dawned." It's interesting that neither will prove to be true, but life will go on as it has....some encouraged, some discouraged, but the fears that people express in their zeal rarely prove true. We are a race that wants stability, but our hopes, emotions and passions are easily ignited to extremes that rarely prove to be reality.
3. For me, as a Christian, my task is the same as it was a week ago- walk with God, talk to him, read his word and love people. The government ruling my country doesn't change any of that. I am fascinated by the fact that Jesus only talked about government one time, and that was in response to a statement made to him about King Herod. He was not in the business of government, at least not the first time, he was in the business of salvation....providing the solution to our core need. Our task, as the church, is to continue what he started...the mission of reaching people with the message of salvation and God's love. Soon enough Jesus will return and then he will establish his own government, but until that day who rules my country isn't a cause of fear or worry for me.
4. When "CHANGE" is the word of the day I find myself asking a really basic question...will we be happy when change really does come? I think this election proved, more than anything else, that we have not really voted for a new man as much as we have clearly voted against the old man. Whatever change we get will be as much a result of our passions against one man as they seem to be for the new man. It will be interesting to see how long the "romance" lasts for our new president.
5. Whatever the government of the day my governmental structure- Jesus as Lord of my life- does not change, and so for that one stable reality I can deal with all the changes around me much easier. Standing on this rock is a great place to be. HE never changes and I'm glad for that reality.
6. One truth remains, one that Solomon spoke of, the whole human race lives for its stomach, and the stomach is never satisfied. It's amazing how much bravado and fervor we demonstrate when all most people want is to have a place to live and something to eat. Life really is pretty simple.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the statement that life is simple and we really need just shelter and food. I don't think many Americans want to settle for that. They are entitled to more,and some one shoud provide it for them. The real answer is Christ. When you have Him even meger food and shelter is enought. With out Him nothing will satisfy. Mike McM
