Sunday, November 30, 2008

Quote of the day

While visiting family this week I found an old copy of Francis Schaeffer's book, He is there and He is not silent. I was even more surprised to find that it was autographed. I haven't read this book in years, and was thrilled to have another copy, so I'm working my way through it again. With that brief intro here is the quote of the day from Francis' book:

"There is only one philosophy, one religion, that fills this need in all the world's thought, whether the East, the West, the ancient, the modern, the new, the old. Only one fills the philosophical need of existence, of being, and it is the Judaeo-Christian God- not just an abstract concept, but rather that this God is really there. He really exists. There is no other answer." -Francis Schaffer, pg. 13


  1. Can you believe I've never read a book by Francis Schaffer?

  2. NO WAY! I would have thought you had read him. You are welcome to borrow some of mine if you are interested...

  3. Not only that...I've never read CS Lewis! (Is that heresy??)
