Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't tell anyone....

Can I share a funny story with you? Oh, and don't tell's just between you and me, ok? Last week one of the guys in our church saw me late Thursday evening...we had a meeting with a family in the church and he was there...and he said, "Oh, Mike, I work with a newspaper in our area on a regular article written by pastors. The pastor who was supposed to write this month backed out at the last minute. Could you write something for the newspaper? It has to be 300 words and the deadline is tomorrow noon. Could you do something?" And I replied, "sure, no problem." So when I got home at 10 pm that night I pulled out my old blog pieces and found one for this time of the year. With about 5 minutes of rewriting it was ready and I sent it to him by e-mail. I didn't know if they did anything with the piece until last night when one of our ladies in the church told me, "Oh, I read your article in the paper and I really liked it." And then, someone gave me a copy of the paper as well. It's funny, but these little times to share our lives together have been a real help to me in more ways than I realized....but don't tell anyone, ok?


  1. It was in the crosstimbers gazette. We don't get it, but I'm sure someone does....

  2. Ohhhh...I don't get that one either. But very cool!

  3. Here it is - on page 26 of this pdf:

  4. I see it at my moms house and I love that your article is in it AWESOME!!!! You have a very good blog that I love to read and you encourage me in my faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
