Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don't read this book!

Don't read this book.....unless you want to really be challenged in your walk with God. Francis shares his own passion for God and a life lived based on the word of God.
Don't read this book....unless you intend to really pursue God and a life lived out from the word. I will tell you in advance that this book will convict and challenge you. If you want to live a safe Christian life and not be challenged for more then don't even buy this book.
BUT, if you are passionate about God and your life for him then this is a must read. In fact, I think this may become one of the classics of the future.
I loved the book, and am challenged by it. By all means get this book and read it. Then share with me you thoughts.
(In case you can't read the title the book is Crazy love by Francis Chan. I got a copy at my local Christian bookstore.)

1 comment:

  1. I am off to buy it today (I hope).

    And in case anyone is interested, it is on sale at Family Christian Stores.
