Thursday, October 23, 2008

The odyssey of faith

The odyssey of faith is an interesting journey. It's a walk, an odyssey, that doesn't always include a map. Yes, we do have the Bible to guide us, but there are turns in the road...problems that make the walk difficult....that aren't addressed in the Bible. It never says, "Mike, tomorrow you will have a difficult day and have to deal with discouragement. After that you will run into a couple considering divorce." It doesn't work that way. In fact, much of this odyssey of faith comes as a surprise to me. I study God's word so I know what to do when things happen, but I never know what those things will be until they suddenly show up in my life. Every day is a new opportunity to trust God with today's journey of faith. I think that's why God asks us to pray, "give us THIS DAY our DAILY bread." It's a today life that must be lived in the present tense. And, you travel your own walk of faith with the Lord enjoy today. THIS IS THE DAY God is working on in your life. THIS IS THE moment he wants you to trust him. Trust him for now, and trust him to care for the tomorrows so you will be ready for them when they arrive. I hope you enjoy your walk today, it's a great opportunity to trust the Lord and grow in your faith in him.


  1. I must be tired...I read it as a road without a NAP (not MAP).

    Maybe I need a Nap.

  2. I think you do. My counsel, as a pastor, is this- take a nap!

  3. maybe I should have written, "it's a road without a nap...." sometimes it feels that way, doesn't it?
