Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Not many will follow

One of the things that stuck with me from our conference last week was a statement that Chip Ingram made about being a pastor. He said, "You need to know that only 1 out of 12 people will make the decision to grow in their faith and pursue God." I guess I knew that intuitively, but to hear it said made me think- today, as I encounter people and teach the word, only a few will choose to grow and will begin to imitate Christ. And those few will look funny doing it at first. Like a child trying to imitate their father, the wardrobe won't fit....we will need to grow into it. But those who choose to grow, as silly as we may look at first, will soon begin to look like Christ. The clarity for me was to realize that this thing called the Christian life is God's business. I can do what he asks me to do, but few may respond....regardless of the response I must do what God has called me to do. Some will follow, baggy Christlike wardrobe and all, but soon they will grow into the clothing. All of this is God's business. I don't need to worry about results....I just need to be faithful and let God do what only he can do in the lives of men and women. We will get to see all that he did through us one day.....until then follow Him.


  1. Encouraging words for a discouraged follower of Christ. Thanks. I needed that.

  2. Grace & Peace Mike,

    I've heard you teach and those that have heard you teach will respond and grow.

    But which way, which direction at what time others grow is not at your discretion.

    I can only speak for myself, but I’m blessed to have you as a minister. Thank you for following Him

    In His Grip,

  3. Ditto from me. I literally thank the Lord on my knees that you have served and loved me so well. May the Lord be forever honored by what you have done.

    I wish I knew why some follow the Lord but most do not. The former is indescribably more wonderful than the latter.
