Sunday, October 26, 2008

Merry-go-round choices in a Roller coaster world

This morning, as I'm unlocking the church at 5:45 AM, I was thinking about the basics of the Christian life and the conflicts generated when we contrast the world around us with the way we live our lives as Christians. It suddenly came to me....we need a way of making choices that works best on one ride in a world that functions completely different. On the Merry-go-round we do the same thing over and over again....we go in circles....up and down. It's the same thing over and over again. It's a safe ride, a predictable ride. It's consistent. We always know what to
But the real world isn't like that at all. The real world works like a roller coaster. The ride is fast, changing and has unexpected turns that cause us to scream. That's the world we live in....have you found yourself screaming lately? Real life makes us feel like we are riding a roller coaster, it has made many quite sick with all the changes in the stock market, the price of oil, the economic crisis, the political battle....and you could add a number of twists and turns of your own to the list. That's the way of the world. That's what we face each day....get on the roller coaster and hold on!
The Christian life must be lived like a ride on the merry-go-round....there is a routine that must be part of our lives for us to do well and grow. Each day we need time to pray, time in the word, trust in the Lord and love for one another. It's common stuff that we all know. It seems routine, sometimes boring, but the consistent nature of a Christian life lived well gives us the tools we need to ride the roller coaster. The choices we make, in anticipation of the day ahead, prepares us for the exciting roller coaster ride just outside our door. If you aren't making the basic decisions to have an active relationship with God and routinely pursuing him then you won't be ready for the roller won't be ready for the day that awaits you. It is a roller coaster world, but merry-go-round training can get you ready for the exciting ride ahead.

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