Friday, October 10, 2008

Global panic!

If you have been watching the news the last few days you could be worried or even panicked at the financial news and the way the media spins it to disaster proportions. I am not a financial expert, but as the bears take their money from world markets and go home it is still true that God has promised to care for his children. He has never promised prosperity, in spite of what some may teach, but he always promises provision. He will take care of you. Don't let fear overwhelm you. There is a wonderful Father who never changes fully willing and able to care for you. Take a moment away from all the flurry of the news and read Philippians 4:6-7 and 4:19, and then go back to Psalm 37:1-10. These passages are dear friends of mine and I visit them often for direction and focus is the world of the bears.

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