Friday, October 31, 2008

Fond memories

Remember when.....? You know, back when we........? Memories are a funny thing. We keep the good ones, but quietly dispose of the bad ones. What most amazes me about memories is how we will rewrite our history to fit us. So, this morning I was just remembering the "good old days" when TV was fun. I remember growing up with three guys who taught me what funny was. We watched them every day after school. They were live action cartoons for our time, and we all tried to imitate them. Even today they are the heroes of folklore for us old enough to have watched them in black and white. This morning I was just remembering 3 of my old friends.....


  1. Ok, I'll start...
    Judge to Curly as he's seated on the witness stand: "Do you solemnly swear?"
    Curly: "No, but I know all the words. nyuk nyuk nyuk!"
    Mike, there is a great life-lesson sermon in there if you think about it.

  2. Why is it that men find 3 Stooges funny? I think they are positively annoying. However, I live with men/boys who love them.

    I'll take I Love Lucy anyday!

  3. Lori,

    that's a girl/guy thing Iguess...I can't endure Lucy, but I do understand.
