Friday, September 26, 2008

One last person to mention

I've mentioned a number of people I met and talked to on my recent trip to Ukraine, but the last one I want to mention is one who traveled with me and led me through each part of this amazing odyssey- the Holy Spirit. Now, please forgive me for the photo, but the only representation we have of the Holy Spirit is John's witness of the Spirit descending on Jesus "like a dove". There are no photos of the Father, Son or Holy Spirit, so this is a poor attempt to describe the person of the Trinity who lives in me and in every believer, and who leads, helps, teaches, prays and generally makes all of this work. You may have heard someone say, "I couldn't have done it without you." And that is a compliment and a thank you to the one who helped. In the case of God's Spirit- all that God does in and through me involves the work of His Spirit, so as I close out my thoughts on this amazing trip let me finish by saying thank you to the indwelling Spirit of God who gives me gifts, teaches me, helps me understand, speaks through me, leads me, talks to me and prays to the Father for me....and beyond that he does much more than I even know! I couldn't have done it without him! All I did was show up, and He did the rest. Thank you Lord, for giving me your Spirit to help me as I serve's very humbling to know that the biggest thing I bring to the table is simply my availability. I'm glad you are working through us to accomplish your work. Thanks for letting us be part of what you are doing.

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