Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Go, Sarah, go!


  1. I assume by the title of the bolg entry that you are in favor of Sarah Palin. What is it about her that you are in favor of? Should we as Christians always support the republican party? I didnt grow up here in Texas so i am unsure why almost every christian i meet here is a republican by default. Help me understand the dynamics of this christian/republican cobination.


  2. anonymous,

    I'm in favor of anyone who has a passion for their faith, and will live it out whatever the cost....affiliation does NOT matter to me. I'm not excited about McCain, but I am challenged by his faith and passion. The same with Sarah. On the other side of the isle I do not see the same thing. That does not make me republican or democrat. I'm a Christian....that's my identity and in a country where I get to participate in the political system I will support someone who has a strong morality and a clear faith statement....regardless of party. Does that help?

  3. Every candidate in this election is a Christian so there has to be some other way to make a voting decision. Actually, i cant remember the last non-christian running for president or vice president. Given that, shouldnt our votes be dependent on something besides the candidates religion? Like policies or positions, etc...Going back to my previous comment, i would think that christians would be democrats because they take the position of helping the lower income, poorer families of America. But like i said, most christians seem to be for the republican party, which usually favors the wealthy.

  4. Anonymous,

    Sorry, I usually say the wrong things when I get on divisive subjects. Politics is a hot topic because everyone has a passionate opinion, including me! I would just tell you to walk with God and follow your conscience. It's a very personal and individual thing, but I would encourage you to not focus on the candidates, but to focus on the issues. What do they believe? That will influence what they do if elected. Other than that I will not speak further about it, for I have found that my opinions in areas that aren't addressed in scripture are just that- my opinions, and they won't help you in your decisions.

  5. fair enough, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
