Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fortune cookies

Joye and I went out for lunch after getting her car worked on today, and since we were close we ate at one of our favorite oriental restaurants. I always get a fortune cookie, because you never know.....they might tell you something you will need later. Today my fortune read, "Soon you will be sitting on top of the world." I thought about that for a moment and wondered, is that really a good thing? Is that something to get excited about? I've been to the top of many mountains, and was never much impressed.....never felt like something wonderful had just happened....never felt a sense of great reward from it, although the scenery is always beautiful. In fact, I have already been on top of the world...see photo. We rode our motorcycles to the top of one of the tallest mountains in Colorado a year ago and took some time to look around, but I wouldn't have thought it was fortune cookie material! I also thought about this globally. If this did come true I'd be stuck on some shrinking iceberg somewhere north of Alaska.....that doesn't sound like the kind of good news a fortune cookie should offer, so what do I do with this wonderful insight into my life ahead? Do I look for top of the world experiences or simply enjoy the day? Do I trek off in fulfillment of this sage advice or remain faithful in the flat lands of Texas? Since there were no further instructions in my fortune I think the wise thing for me to do is simply stay put and see if the mountain comes to me. And, then again...maybe this is a warning of bad things to avoid. I wish they had been more I'm confused. That's the problem with fortunes....they never tell you enough to help you, but simply offer hope for the discouraged. So far, the only one who can tell what's ahead is God himself. He's done that all through the Bible and we are seeing it come true in our lifetimes. It's not confusing either. It's extremely specific, and as we watch God wrap up the final acts of this play on planet earth it's good to know that the fortune he has for his children is life with him forever. I've staked my eternity on his faithfulness to keep those promises, because he always has.


  1. Wow, I'm never going to read fortune cookies in the same way.

  2. Grayson has always called them, "Wish crackers." I think that's far cuter than fortune cookie!

  3. Umm...I think it means that you will be going on a ski trip and that you might fall a few times. Avoid the snowboarding, ok?!
