Saturday, August 23, 2008

A work in process

I'm not finished yet. One of the things I know about my life is that I'm a work in process.....God is molding me into what he wants me to be. I often feel his hands on my life molding me, shaping me, pushing me against my will to be what HE wants me to be. It's hard to trust the hands of the potter, but he clearly can and will do what he wants to do to make me into the vessel he has in mind. He's making me into someone who makes HIM look good. He wants people to say, when they see me, "who made that work of art, what a beautiful creation, what an amazing artist God is!" My task is to let him mold me. I'm not good at letting him mold me. My task is to let him decide what this work of art called my life is to look like. I'm not good at letting someone else decide what my life looks like. The bible clearly uses the picture of a potter and clay to describe my relationship with the creator of the universe. Often I try to change places with him and be the potter myself and mold HIM into what I want him to be. He will not trade roles with me, but will continue to work in my life until he's finished...until I'm finished. It's frustrating to be "in process", but it's exciting to know that the artist of my life has a wonderful work of art in mind when he's done. And he's doing that same thing in each of our lives.

"Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hands..." Jeremiah 18:6

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