Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday afternoon

It's Sunday afternoon. I got a quick nap after preaching this morning on the parable of the
sower and the seed. I had a great time teaching through this parable and I hope all those who attended enjoyed it as well. Even if no one else got anything from our time in the word I learned a lot preparing the message. I get to teach this message again in a couple hours. Until I prepared this study in Matthew 13 I really thought I knew what it meant, but it has taken on a whole series of new layers for me.....but that's always the way it is when you teach.


  1. That was the best sermon I've ever heard!
    Seroiusly, it was good. Thanks for the explanation of the soil. I've never heard it explained like that, and it made complete sense.

    BTW...that waterfall in your previous post was wild!!

    Susan M.

  2. It was a wonderful sermon! I enjoyed it so much. You took a familiar parable and made it fresh and new.

    You made a few comments in the first service that you were running over on time. I never would have noticed as I was totally enjoying the service. A little like OT in a great game. :-)

    And, on finishing well -- how 'bout that US mens swimming relay team??? I love the Olympics!!!

  3. I agree with lu - it was totally refreshing to hear the parable in a way I hadn't before. I have puzzled over that parable many times. Thanks for giving me something to put in my pocket and unpack for the rest of the week! (See I was listening.) Have a restful Monday!

  4. Mike - as a long-time believer, I can't count the number of times I've heard that message. That being said, THANK YOU for approaching it the way you did. It's amazing (or is it? I mean, it IS God, we're talking about here!) a 'well-known' passage can still reveal new meaning in one's life time after time again. Keep doing what you're doing, Mike. I, for one, affirm your actions and insight as you strive towards the likeness of Christ. --Johnny T.

  5. Mike,

    My husband and I attended for the first time last week. I really enjoyed the sermon. I like how you broke it down into "characters" and told us that the soil was the starring one. Thanks!

    Martha Cox

  6. Thank you all for your gracious comments. It was a real joy for me to get to teach Sunday. I'm so glad it was a blessing.

    Martha, glad you came. I hope you come back. You were very quick to find my blog, how did you find this blog so quickly? It was great to have you attend CBC, and I hope you make it your church home.

  7. Mike - my guess is she searched for 'Mike Messerli'. Surprisingly (not!), you were #1 in the results! gotta love google sometimes....
