Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A prayer need and much more....

I got a copy of a letter sent to our church from our sister church in Haiti. The pastor was gracious and grateful for God's care and provision, and then he shared this paragraph,
"Please, pray for the families in the church because they are facing difficult problems this year with food being very expensive it is hard to feed their children. A lot of them are very sick and many have already died." -Pastor Jean Benoit
As I read that it made me stop for a moment. We fuss and complain about how hard things are for us....until we read a paragraph like this. My complaints seem like a two-year-old's temper tantrum when I read that others don't even have food. How spoiled AND blessed we are. I pause at these words to thank the Lord that my children and grandchildren are NOT starving, but to also pray for these dear ones in Haiti who are. I will not complain again, but I will be praying. Lord, help me to be grateful for your wonderful provision, but never forget those who don't have enough to meet their needs.


  1. Thank you Mike, this strengthens our resolve to return and minister as best we can to our brothers and sisters suffering in that desperate country. We are hoping to return the first of Oct. or First of Nov, Lord willing and we can raise the rest of our needed support. Thank you for praying for us.

  2. What a needed reminder, Mike. Thank you.

    And I can't believe the Scotts want to move to a foreign country. Are they crazy? ;-)

  3. this is Jenny: I often feel that way here. We were talking about ideas that I could do (crafts and such) at the orphanage when we came to the story of Joseph. That story took on such a new meaning to me. I always thought about it (as a child) in terms of if my own brother made fun of me or something, but I realized that sharing this story with these orphans, I will be telling them, that Joseph, just as they are, was without family, parents, a home, and that God was moving in his life to bring about the salvation of a nation. Anyway, not sure if that made sense, but I just was overwhelmed with how good we have it "back home" and how I feel like this story was put in scripture especially for those that have nothing and no hope.
