Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday morning thoughts

I'm recovering from a day of speaking yesterday. It was great fun, but I'm tired! Standing that long really takes its toll on my foot too (I crushed my heel in February). Last night I had to come home and take a strong pain pill to get some sleep, but it was worth it.....I really enjoyed the day teaching the bible to our church family. I hope they had as much fun as I did.
The one thing I think of often is how little of this job is me doing it...what I mean by that is that all I have and all I bring to a church service was given to me by God. Here's the list so you will know what I mean:
-He gave me life. I live and breathe because of him.
-He saved me. I wouldn't even be interested in church or the bible if it weren't for God's work in my life.
-He gave me gifts. It's his gifts that I use in my job.
-He gave me his Holy Spirit. His Spirit is my helper, my companion, my teacher.
-He gave me his word, the Bible. And with the Holy Spirit's help I understand it.
-He gives me the message he wants me to teach.
-He gives me breath so I can speak it.
-He works in the hearer to help them understand the message.
-He works through the Holy Spirit to change the lives of those who hear.
....and all I bring to the day is this- I'm available for him to work in my life.
Everything else is HIM. As Chuck Swindoll said once, "85% of ministry is just showing up." I think he was referring to this very idea that it's God's work, and we simply show up to be part of it. How amazing that we get to be part of HIS eternal work. It still amazes me to watch as he uses angels, visions, the voice of the Holy Spirit to move a man to go speak to someone and share the good news of what Christ has done when it would be much easier for him to simply do it himself, but he has chosen to make US the vehicles for his message. We get to be part of what he is doing simply by being available for him to work in our lives and by showing up. Everything else is HIM doing it in and through us.
I'm honored and humbled to be part of his ministry and his great plan. There are days, like yesterday, when I can't believe I get to do this. What an honor, what a be part of God's eternal work. Thanks, Lord, for letting me be part of what you are doing.


  1. Hey Mike, Enjoyed your teaching the past two weeks.
    Um....I've noticed that CBC has the "homie" feel going there. I assumed that the winged-easy-chair was a prop. As was the light, table and books. But then, Liz actually SAT in the chair! (Just Kidding...)

  2. Enjoyed the message and was glad to have my kids hear it before the 1st day of school. What a great reminder for all of us to serve others!

    I must confess, I have been wondering about the "homie" look. We have been gone most of the summer so I figured I missed something explaining the set up. Maybe not.
