Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lost in translation

There are hundreds of great signs like this all over the Internet. In fact I found a sight that is just about the problems of communications.
It's funny, but it's all the result of the language barrier that God put in place at a tower a long time ago.
Now we struggle to communicate. I'm facing that this coming week as I prepare to teach in Crimea on the Black Sea. I know I will face this very thing- saying one thing and having it come out completely different. It's a great challenge to make sure that what I said is what they heard.
A number of years ago I was in Haiti preaching and my translator seemed to translate much more than I said. I would talk for 30 seconds and he would translate for 2 minutes. I started to get suspicious, and so I asked another translator who was with us, "Is he saying what I'm saying?" He replied, "No, not really." In fact, what was happening was this translator was a pastor as well, and he was using these times to simply preach what he wanted to say. He made no attempt to translate what I said at all! When I caught on I said to him, "From now on you only say what I say, ok?" He was surprised that I figured it out, and sheepishly agreed. From then on it seemed his translations were much shorter. It's funny how many hurdles language has placed between us.
So my big challenge this week is to communicate. I have trouble doing that in English, imagine using a translator! I hope most of what I say doesn't come out like this sign.....lost in translation.

1 comment:

  1. Focus on love, and nothing more. Love is a language everyone can understand. Even if they dont hear your words, they can always feel your heart if you open it up to them.
