Saturday, August 09, 2008

Just thinking

It's early Saturday and I've already been to breakfast with one of our guys. He had some questions about sales and marketing for his company. Having spent 18 years in that field I have some knowledge about it and was able to help him with some direction.
I always wondered why the Lord allowed me to be out of ministry for so long. I thought my sabbatical would be a couple years at most, but it turned into almost two decades!
Those years gave me a tremendous understanding of what our men working in the world deal with each day. It's a battle out there! There are so many demands on your life, and work continues to demand more and more. If I hadn't fought those battles myself I would have never understood. So, this morning I got to spend some time with a guy trying to survive all the demands on his life and still make his business a success.
All that we deal with today seems so out of step with the stories of the was a much slower paced life. Agricultural, quiet and not so hectic, and yet somehow all the stories and principles translate into life in America today. I think it's because no matter what you do the core issues of life are always the same- how will I live my life? And, what am I living for?
I was just thinking this morning how blessed I am for the 18 year detour the Lord gave me that, at the time, I often considered a curse. Now I smile, God knew what he wanted to do in me and through me. Why couldn't I just enjoy the ride? But honestly, we are all like that. We think we know best, and the bible says....God directs our paths.


  1. You are right, it doesn't matter what phase, the questions are all pretty much the same, whether a college student, engineer, teacher, mother, missionary..."how will I live my life? And, what am I living for?"

    And what happened to the video that was up for a few minutes yesterday? That was cool.

  2. I don't know. I can't get the Youtube thing to work. It did for a bit, then wouldn't work after that. I don't know where it went....sorry, still trying to figure that one out.
