Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finishing the parables

Tomorrow I get to close out our series on the parables with the most familiar one of them all- the parable of the good Samaritan. As I prepared this week I realized how all pervasive this story is in our culture. Everyone knows what a good Samaritan's even defined in the dictionary! So, whether a true story or not, whether you like Jesus or not...we continue to try to live out a story he used to make a point with a man who came with questions. It was a story that still resonates with us....someone helping a stranger in need. Even in our culture without truth we still value a good Samaritan, a person who will help a stranger. That part of us that God made like himself....that part that reaches out to the hurt and still there and still valued. So, as I prepare to teach through 12 short verses that everyone knows, do pray for me that I will bring something fresh to the table that will challenge and inspire our family to be mercy givers themselves.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it should be called "The Merciful Samaritan"?

    Oh, wow, I couldn't believe it when you started talking about judging and Christ's love. I have been doing a self-driven study of judging and judgement due to some discussions I've had on various message boards. I have blogged about it right here on blogspot in fact.

    But even when it is so plainly stated in scripture, many Christians just cannot believe we are not suppose to point out the sins of others. So now I am off to look at how Christians are to "eveluate" fellow Christians within the church; and what exactly did Christ's ministry look like? Did He point out the sins of others? How were they convicted? Was He preaching on street corners? Or were people drawn to Him and asking Him to speak?

    Great sermon!
