Friday, July 18, 2008

What happens one day at a time

I was just thinking about how quickly life seems that one day adds to another and soon it's all gone. This afternoon I was thinking about our son as a toddler. He was a really cute kid, but had a strange habit of playing with our stereo. He knew what would happen, but he did it anyway. When, by accident, he hit just the right button the stereo would come on at full volume and he would run away screaming. I'm still not sure what drew him to it, but the results were the same each time.

He's still doing the same thing....he's still playing music at full volume and screaming....but now they call him a musician. Funny how quickly time passes and how things change. How quickly it all passes. How quickly we live out our 70 years if we are lucky. How quickly it's over.

Finishing well for me is a passion because I know that each moment here, each second of time, is part of eternity and will be part of who I become. I hope that as these moments fly by I find that I'm looking more and more like may not notice it yet, but he's working on me, and that's the goal. I've been blessed....with an opportunity to serve God, with an amazing wife and really great kids....and don't get me started on the grand kids, but above it moment at a day at a time...God is working in my life to make a copy of Jesus. I hope I find myself well on the way by the time I finish this life.

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