Monday, July 28, 2008

Thanks, Nathan

One of our pastors is leaving us. Nathan and his wife, Kim, are taking a position at a church in Pennsylvania. We hate to see you go, but will be praying for you and Kim.
Nathan grew up in our church, literally! He and his family came to CBC when he was just entering his teen years. He's been here as long as I have, and that's a long time.
I'm excited for Nathan. This is a new adventure, and a chance for him to carve out his own path, identity and ministry. But we will continue to see him often....his brother is married to our daughter so he's family! Thanks for all you have given to our church family, Nathan, we will miss you.


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!
    How exciting. I will be praying for them.

  2. Why is he leaving and who will replace him?

  3. Anonymous,

    Thanks for the great question. Nathan is leaving because he feels it's time to find his own identity and ministry. As he describes it they are doing something they have talked about since he and Kim have been married. I am really excited for him, and think he will do a great job.

  4. and.....Brent will once again be in youth ministry, but we are planning to hire a new mid-school pastor to help him, that is in the works even now.

  5. That totally makes since.

    Thanks for the info.
