Saturday, July 19, 2008

A little blesssing

I am so excited! I found another copy of one of my favorite books, No Man in Eden by Harold Myra. It was published in 1969 and has been out of print for years. I have had a number of copies over the years and have made the mistake of loaning them out. The copies I loaned to friends NEVER came back, and so I would have to search for another copy. I just found a hardback copy and had to pay a premium for it, but I have it and have started to read it again. It's one of the most amazing stories I have ever read. It's a science fiction story of a man who takes a trip with an alien, and escapes the twisted planet, earth, to discover what life is like in the rest of the universe where sin has never happened. I have read this amazing book many times and it's inspiring each time I read it again. So, I'm enjoying a little blessing, and once again reading one of my favorite books. And, no, you can't borrow it......


  1. Mike, I was gonna ask to borrow that book, but that lady on the cover is creepy looking... I changed my mind! Hope you are well this week.

  2. Tony,

    thanks. I know you are kidding, but if you can find a copy (I got this one on Amazon) I think you would really enjoy it. Let's plan coffee soon. Let me know when we can meet.

  3. I have a stack, so it may be a while, I just started "The Shack" last night to give you an idea on how far behind I am in my reading...

  4. Am almost through reading this book and it is truly a mindbending experience and a wonderful blessing! I wish they would re-publish it because I think it would speak to many in the 21st century. What a great insight into the impact of sin in our lives!
