Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Important things.....

(photo by: Bob Kurt)
What's really important to you? What do you value? You show others what's most important to you by the choices you make, the things you buy, the places you go, the way you dress, what you watch and what you listen to. Everything about us tells others what's important to us. I've heard one pastor say, "people will give you their money, but don't ask for their time!" and another said, "show me your checkbook and I will tell you what's most important to you." We show the world around us what we value in a hundred different ways. And sometimes, honestly, what we value makes us look funny. Why would anyone want a laptop rather than a roof over his head? Why would another put more importance on their own happiness rather than obedience to God? Why do we do what we do, buy what we buy and spend our time the way we do? It's because of what we value (worship). When I put the Lord first, as most important, then my life lines up in a wonderful way, but when I don't it just looks funny. It doesn't seem right. That is often the story of the Jewish people in the Old Testament- they didn't put the most important things first. Instead they would choose their own ways and find that their lives were miserable failures (read the end of Jeremiah). How often do we do the same thing. I wonder how we look to those around us? More important than that how do we look to God? What are your important things?
Mat 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you............"


  1. I agree. The photo was just so good I had to use it. We had the coffee and good friends, but we forgot the chocolate...next time?
