Sunday, July 27, 2008


This morning at church one of our men introduced me to a young visitor. He told me this young man had just gotten out of the marines. I shook his hand and said "thank you." I then asked, "did you serve in Iraq?" He smiled and said yes, and I once more told him thank you. What a humble experience to have young men like this serving our country. I'm honored to have met him. So once more for him and all the others serving our country, "thank you for serving us and protecting our country." I'm so grateful for your service.

1 comment:

  1. I was at a wedding in CO last weekend and one of the groomsmen is a Marine who has served two tours in Iraq. He is a 22 year old sniper. The things his young eyes have seen. Praise God he is a believer. He has just 8 months left in the Marines and has volunteered for a tour in Afganistan. What dedication to a cause!! I, too, was humbled to spend time with him.
