Monday, July 14, 2008

Four letter words

Well, it's official.....Joye and I are on a d--t. We are watching the f--d we eat, and trying to l--e some weight. I know we need to do it, but it's h--d. It's no surprise that what's g--d for you doesn't taste g--d. I must make these choices because I can't talk about being a good steward if I'm not a good steward of ME, so we are on our way to smaller clothes.
The hard part for me is not eating what I l--e, and needing to eat what I h--e. Isn't it funny that only bad foods taste g--d? Ok, I just wanted to complain, and invite your encouragement as I venture down the scale to a smaller me. But I will still miss my favorite comfort food- ice cream.


  1. I lost 26 pounds 8 years ago. Granted, I have put much of it back on over the years, but I have two eating tips (beyond the obvious to get out and walk daily). Eat 5-6 small meals during the day and have a cheat day each week. The cheat day was what got me through the week. I didn't give up ice cream. I rejoiced in the fact I could eat it on Sunday. I didn't give up on french fries. I rejoiced that I would eat them on Sunday. I didn't give up on chocolate. I looked forward to eating it on Sunday. You get it. Granted, during the week I was very focused on eating healthy, well-balanced meals. I made a menu each week (writing out what I would eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner) and made sure the food was in the house so I didn't risk falling off the wagon because the only thing to eat in the house was a candy bar.

    I will pray for you both and this will encourage me to get focused again. I feel SOOO much better when I am fit. It's the way God wants it.

  2. I like ice cream too!! On my way to weight lose, I discovered that you can have your ice cream and eat it too (in moderation, of course). So, I have two words for you...BLUE BUNNY. I have two more words for you...SUGAR FREE! Flavors described in two words: Bunny Tracks, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Fudge Swirl. The last two words...WAL MART. Ha!

  3. I would watch the aspartame though on 'sugar free' stuff. Just a thought.

    Walking is so nice for exercize. Not eating after 7 pm is what a friend recommended who lost a LOT of weight awhile back.

  4. It's really a pretty simple formula - eat less (calories), exercise more.


    lu - chocolate ONLY on SUNDAY? You mean a candy bar in the house is a bad thing???

    Mike - is coffee still allowed???

  5. coffee is ALWAYS allowed. even if it's not that will be my point of rebellion against the food nazis who say what I can eat. Give me coffee or death!

  6. I will add you and Joye to my prayer list. And you know I will be praying for you ALOT because eating right is always on my mind too!!

    Can you run on your ankle yet?
    = )))

    Lots of activity, in addition to regular exercise, is a great thing to incorporate.

    My most recently discovered fabulous calorie burning activity is to mow the yard with an old-fashioned reel mower. It REALLY gets your heart rate up! Burn, baby, burn!

    Plus, it's good for your yard, saves money on gas, way quieter and it just feels good, emotionally, like you're spending time with your grampa = )

    Not eating after 7pm is something that works well for me. Eating every 2 - 3 hours helps me alot too.

    I stay away from artificial sweeteners...they have serious side-effects for me and I'd rather eat the natural form of whatever and just limit it.

    My weight had creeped up since moving to Houston and I recently buckled down and got back down to a good running fightin' weight!

    I've been counting calories and that's worked very well. It gives me freedom to eat "treat foods" and enough structure to keep on track.

    Basically, you have to try out different eating plans and foods and ideas and find out what works for YOU, specifically. I'll be praying for that too!!

    Keep us posted, ok?

    Houston hugs, Pony = )

  7. uh..."creeped"???

    I guess bad grammar has "creeped" up on me too! hahahahahaha

  8. If God didn't make it -- don't eat it! Try the water cure -- drink half your weight in ounces a day -- add fresh lemon and sea salt. Try stevia or agave for sweetener. Stevia has no calories. Agave has 2/3 the calories of sugar but is low glycemic. Do a colon cleanse.
