Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Anything for an illustration!

Pastor Injured in Dirt Bike Accident During Church Service
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

KOKOMO, Ind. — "A pastor brought out a dirt bike during a church service to demonstrate the concept of unity. Now he's demonstrating the concept of healing.
Jeff Harlow, the senior pastor at Crossroads Community Church, broke his wrist when he lost control of the motorcycle at the start of Sunday's second service, driving off a 5-foot platform and into the vacant first row of seats. He underwent surgery on the wrist Monday.
"Jeff has already laughed a lot, so he's OK. I think his pride was bruised," said his wife, Becky.
Becky Harlow said her husband had recently attended a motorcycle race in Buchanan, Mich.
"He had this idea that he would bring this bike out onstage and show people how the rider would become one with the bike," she told the Kokomo Tribune. "He was going to just sit on it and drive it out. He was just walking the dirt bike out onstage and somehow it got away from him. It was not intended."
No one else was hurt."

I hate to laugh at anyone, especially a fellow pastor, but may I say, "what was he thinking?" At least he didn't drive a tank on the stage like another pastor in our area. Illustrations for sermons are funny things. I've seen some amazing ones in my day, but I think this one is near the top. I hope they filmed it......


  1. "a vacant first row of seats" in church, really? *sarcasm*

    Now I know why people won't sit in the front row of our church. They are worried they might lose their lives ;-)

  2. Here's a link to an Indianapolis news station that covered it. They said the pastor didn't release the actual video of the crash but has some video here of one of the earlier services:


  3. Someone drove a TANK on stage? How did I miss that??

  4. Who else but Ed Young at Fellowship Church.com
