Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday's cartoon

This cartoon reminded me of my first pastorate. We were very young, and had taken a pastorate in the Quaker churches. Shortly after settling in one of the men in the church came up to me after the church service to introduce himself to me. He said, "Pastor, my name is ______. I don't want to be here, but my wife makes me come with her. I'll give you 20 minutes to preach, but then I'm going to sleep and I snore!" And true to his word he did! The thing that made it harder was that they sat on the front row. I quickly learned to preach a 20 minute sermon. There were days we raced to the finish line- I to the end of the message, and my unwilling parishioner to sleep. It's a funny memory now, but was a challenging experience for a young pastor then. It's funny how a little cartoon will bring back such unusual memories......

1 comment:

  1. Crazy Quakers! ;-)

    I had a guy like that - only he didn't give me 20 minutes... it was more like 20 seconds.
