Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Now for something really silly

Now I know that our culture has gone completely insane- high heels for babies! Here's their motto- "her first high heels." I'm sure they will be successful because stupid ideas like this always do well. When you combine a bored culture with too much time and money you get silly things like this. (Sorry to get on my soap box, this is just too much for me or am I simply getting too old?)
So what's the big deal? I just see so much that is really needed in our world that to waste money on this silliness just bugs me. Ok, I feel a little better now. Thanks for listening......


  1. Yeah - you're dead on. But it happens with folks who don't have the money in Guatemala too. Must be the fault of the human condition. Or marketing folks. ;-)

  2. By the way...I think that is absolutely SO CUTE! If I saw those on a little baby, I would indeed laugh! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't pay the $35 that they cost to put them on my little girl, but I would certainly laugh if someone gave them to her.

    I get your point...and you are right, but still...there are so many superfluous things in our culture that are just as silly, but we have devised ways to integrate seamlessly into our daily lives. Such as: TIVO, scented candles, ipods, Wii, fast food, teeth whitening gel, fake eyelashes, etc. I am really curious as to how long this actual fad will last. But it's still cute :)

