Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just thinking

I'm at a secret location today to recover from what the doctor told me yesterday is strep. In the past, before I broke my heel in February, I was rarely ever ill, but now it appears my immune system is weakened and I'm getting everything. So, from my hiding place today here are a few random thoughts....I haven't done this in a while, so here goes:

-I read an article yesterday in the news that said 92% of Americans believe in God (however they define him). That surprised me. If true we have a dramatic disconnect between what we believe and what we do. My mind races to a question Jesus asked, Luke 6:46 "Why do you call Me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? Somehow we have built a chasm between our faith and our practice. I'm sure, from what I read in the bible, that God is not happy with that.

-I'm dreading the next few months as politicians battle with words to climb to the top of the presidential mountain. It's hard to listen to, and in fact I think most people I know have become rather jaded to the whole political game played in Washington. I know God will put the one in power he wants, but I'm sure the politicians don't believe that, so they denigrate each other to gain our votes. It's become a very sad system for getting elected.

-Our two oldest granddaughters are here for the week to go to Vacation Bible School. It's great fun to have them with us for the week, but for some reason adding two little girls to our home for a week raised the noise level to about 83 decibels!


-I had the great pleasure of going to a Texas Rangers game last week with two of our pastors. I really enjoy baseball, but don't get to watch it enough.

-Filled the gas tank on my little compact car late last week and it cost me $60.00! I know many have spent more at the pump, but this is a compact car. Now here is my question- why isn't our government speaking out to tell us, "CONSERVE!" It's such an easy solution, and could save several million barrels per day, but they haven't said a word! Where's intrusive government intervention when you really need it?


-And on that same note since my foot is much better I'm getting the motorcycle out again! It's been parked in the garage for these 6 months waiting for me, so I can't wait to be on it again and save some of that gas money.
Have a great day!


  1. I know the noise level thing. I have two grandsons staying with us and going to VBS. The boys stop to breath some times, my grand daughters never stop chattering. Blesed nap time, blessed nap time. Mike McM

  2. It's great fun to have them with us for the week, but for some reason adding two little girls to our home for a week raised the noise level to about 83 decibels!

    Good one, Mike.

  3. Hey, I came across your blog originally in relation to George Carlin's death. I also hope that he made a decision for Christ before he died.

    As far as gas goes, what do you think would be the result if Christians simply obeyed speed limits? We rationalize so many things in our lives and what blessings do we miss from God because of it? I speak to myself here as well. Until last week I basically always said, "I'll just go 10% over." If God gave us 10% of His rices where would we be in our lives? I of course said too, "I'm just driving with traffic." If I place my trust in Him with all of my being, where is a safer place?

    I have just prayed for your health, I hope God gives you the grace to get through any trial.

  4. I agree with Will. I am a speeder (does that sound like an AA confession). However, the wonderful Town of Double Oak decided I needed to change my ways and issued me TWO tickets within one month. Ouch. After that, I slowed down. I am seeing the benefit on obedient driving on the tank. However, I drive an SUV so I am even more encouraged to slow down.

    Get well quickly and enjoy those grandkids! I hope you get on your bike soon!

  5. Ha. Well, expecting the government to tell us such stuff is intrusive and not in my realm of what the government is supposed to be doing. They should be protecting our borders and keeping us safe.


    I hope you are feeling better! Are you taking some vitamins? (Now i sound like a mother....)

  6. Kathy,

    Thanks, "Mom" and yes I'm taking vitamins. The doc said my immune system must really be down from the accident and all that followed. I've never been sick as much as I have in the last few months.
