Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Eat (Chocolate), Drink (Coffee) and be Merry

I knew I was making the right food choices! Here's proof-

Eat (Chocolate), Drink (Coffee) and be Merry

Just What the Doctor Ordered: Photo by Jon Åslund (CC Licensed)

Stumped at the café? Go for a mocha.
According to new research, the tasty beverage provides a double-whammy of health benefits: chocolate may slow cancer growth, and java could help you live longer. The good news about chocolate comes from scientists at Georgetown University Medical Center, who found that a synthetic chemical that is similar to a compound present in cocoa beans slows the growth of colon cancer by 50 percent. Not only did it retard growth, it damaged most of the colon cancer cells. The compound, known as GECGC, is most effective at impeding those cancer cells that usually grow at frighteningly-quick rates; promising, given that they are also often the most deadly.


  1. Bring on the mocha!! Let's all meet at Starbucks first thing tomorrow morning for some Cafe Mocha!!

  2. Look at what we can thank the Mayans and Aztecs for! Well, God made the plant. They just figured out how to eat it.


  3. Outstanding! So if chocolate and coffee is cancer fighting and cafe' helps you live longer, that means if I eat it and drink it by the metric ton, I'll be a healthy 120 year old one day? Alright!!! Start brewing!

  4. Now I have a minister's approval for my small pleasures? Awesome!! haha!

  5. I'm doing my part to be healthy. Thanks for the scientific support to continue my happy vices. =-)

  6. Hummm
    Best coffee and chocolate I've ever had? Germany :-) healthy - healthy - healthy... and walking to the castle flag daily isn't bad either
