Monday, June 16, 2008

The difficult parts of my job

It was nearly 1 am this morning. I was finally sleeping well and then the phone rings. It was officer Scott from our local police department. Scott told me, "We have a notification of death to do tonight, will you come and help me?" And so, at 1 am this morning I get dressed, head for the police station and we get in Scott's patrol car to go to the families home. Scott said, "I have never done this before, would you tell the family that their 27 year old daughter was found dead in her apartment?" Thanks, Scott! (I thought), but I responded, "Sure, I'll be glad to talk to the family." This poor family was awake, waiting for news. They had called the city where their daughter lives to ask the police to check on their daughter....they hadn't heard from her on Father's day and that was not normal or good news. So here we were....with the news they didn't want to hear. When we arrived at their home they were waiting in the driveway. We introduced ourselves, and I turn my attention to the young ladies mother. I took her hands and softly told her the bad news. It was a ministry of presence more than anything else. Once they knew the truth their words turned to thoughts of their daughter, questions about what to do next, caring for each other and tears. These times are always sacred moments when you care for people in their deepest times of sorrow. I almost feel I shouldn't be there, or should take off my shoes as Moses did. In those minutes together we heard their daughter's whole life story. It was a great comfort to me to know that she was a Christ follower and an avid student of God's word. I know these moments happen thousands of times each day, but when I'm part of a life's odyssey from mortal to immortal it's always a life changing experience. I know you don't know this family, but I would ask that you pray for them as they grieve over the death of their young daughter. Personally, I look forward to seeing what God does in this families life in the days ahead, and am praying for them. Even these difficult times in my job are blessed opportunities to serve God simply by being there.


  1. Mike, I came across your blog for the first time tonight (leading a small group on 'finishing well' tomorrow morning and came across your site). My wife and I read this post from today and it put things in perspective. We've got 4 kids with one on the way and our hearts go out to the family you ministered to last night. We prayed for them and for you. Be encouraged - your presence last night was a ministry of grace for that family. Keep being filled up!

    Grant & Jen
    Oklahoma City

  2. Grant and Jen,

    Thank you so much for your kind words. It's always a treat to hear from those who read my words, and are encouraged.

    We lived in the Edmond area for a number of years, so we know your area well. I hope the new one on the way is healthy and an added blessing to your wonderful family.

    Thanks again for commenting.

  3. Mike,

    My prayers are with the family and with you each time you are used by God in this important ministry.

  4. Mike, I'm thankful for that family that you were able to be there for them. My prayers will be with them.

  5. Mike,
    I tripped onto your blog with a search on Thrive Christian. Yes, you do thrive and you are finishing well. This story about the 27 year old found dead in her apt. got to me. I could only think of the mercy of God to have you in place for those parents. I know it was difficult and painful, but oh to have your kindness and connection to our Father. Yes, God does look over us all. I will be back often.
