Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beans, glorious beans!!!!!!

One of our friends in the church just got back from a vacation in Hawaii. Before she went I asked her to find some raw Kona coffee beans, and I'm blessed to hear that she has! She is bringing them by today. I can't tell you how excited I am to get some raw Kona beans. In case I haven't mentioned it I roast my own coffee beans, and to get a great bean like this is a treat. There is nothing like fresh roasted coffee. I'm convinced that coffee is one of the foods that wasn't cursed in the fall (just kidding.) So, I will report back to you on the results of this quest for Kona!


  1. I love it when we find great joy in the small things...even beans:)


  2. Sounds like we need to get coffee at your house sometime!

  3. And pie goes really well with fresh coffee.

  4. ok, ok...when do you want to have coffee?

  5. I like the pie idea, Heidi! Count me in!

  6. Sounds Like a party to me! Date and time?
    - Toneman

  7. Hey Mike, did you get the beans? I'm still working on my green beans from Honduras from my last trip.

  8. Duke, one of our sweet ladies brought the beans back from Hawaii. Love to trade if you want some....

  9. Nice blog! This is useful for those who is looking for the Kona Coffee Beans. Keep Sharing such information blog.
