Monday, June 09, 2008

Amazing missionaries

When you have time read Jenny's blog entry about a possible new member of their family. Missionaries find their mission fields in unusual places, just as we do here at home, but I think this post will really inspire you, and I hope challenge you to pray for Brandon and Jenny.


  1. Amazing!!! I almost wept when I read their entry. I am so proud we serve such an amazing God and He has such amazing servants.

  2. Well, thank you, Mike and lu. We're just doing what is in front of us. You're right, lu. What makes it amazing is that God is so amazing and awesome. He's wonderful to serve!

  3. So did you see this one coming or were you totally taken by surprise?

    Life with God is an adventure. God's answer to every prayer on your heart will be a joy to watch revealed.

    Thank you for sharing this it was a joy to prayer about this morning.

  4. WOW! So glad you shared this. What an amazing story. I am keeping Brandon, Jenny, their family and that precious baby in my prayers.
