Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Some weeks are like that

Suddenly I'm so busy I almost forgot that I have a blog to write. It's funny how easily life turns around. This week I'm preparing a message, meeting with missionaries who are in town, speaking at a funeral, trying to get my planning done for the next year and a dozen other things....and I'm just not getting it done. If I can just hide from the angry bull of a busy life long enough maybe I will survive all of this. This is also my first week trying to walk without any help. It's been quite painful, but I'm sure it will get better over time. Please be patient with me, and I will get back to a regular posting schedule as soon as possible.


  1. Oh the blessings of being able to do, rather than being waited on. That is what life is like. Mike McM

  2. Sometimes I forget I have a blog to write for weeks on end. To which my son would say, "Weeks? You mean months!" ha ha ha

    I'm glad you're walking again without crutches, but I know that has to be so tiring when you are so busy. We'll be praying for strength for you, and easing of the pain, too.
