Friday, May 09, 2008

Previously on LOST

But the real question is WHY? Why is this show still on? I'm really amazed that we, as a viewing audience, are so enthralled over a show about nothing. There, I've said it...I feel much better now.


  1. How do you really feel Mike? haha

  2. Seinfeld was a show that even admitted it was a show about nothing, and tons of people watched it.

    From what I've gathered from the Lost contingency, you more or less had to be in from the beginning on it or you'd be...well...ummmm...lost. But if you were in on it from the beginning it's supposedly incredible (or so say the three others in my home who are big fans of the show).

  3. Hahaha. I loved the clip Mike. I laughed all the way up until about the 1:25 mark, at that point I stopped laughing and wanted to slap someone. :-) ... Now I'm laughing again.

  4. There's so much wisdom in this clip.

    Amazing! :P

    What a clip ...
