Thursday, May 29, 2008

Now for something really amazing...

.I've seen a number of amazing videos of squirrels and their ability to navigate almost any hindrance in their quest for food, but this photo really caught my eye. Wow, these guys are amazing. I know I couldn't do this. I can't even stand on a bar stool without falling! So today I humbly admire this amazing creation of God as he relaxes to enjoy lunch. More power to him!


  1. I watch them every day outwit the obstacles I put in their way. Watching them try to land on the bird feeder by jumping off our roof has brought me many laughs. However, when I see their big, fat bellies, I know who is “buying” their lunch (and breakfast and dinner).

  2. What's even funnier is how they tease my 2 terriers. My 2 dogs are SURE they are going to be eating squirrel for a snack each day...but they never even get close. Pretty smart little critters (the squirrels, not the dogs).

  3. I just realized how many times I said amazing. Sorry....old habit.
