Monday, May 05, 2008

Monday's cartoon

I saw this cartoon and had to make it the cartoon of the day. It's one of my weaknesses- yellow highlighting my bible! I am teased about it regularly. The habit started decades ago in college and I still highlight my bibles today. In fact it's hard to read the bible without a yellow highlighter in my hand. I guess I should change colors, but yellow is still my favorite. In fact I avoid studying the bible on my laptop because it's hard to get the yellow highlighter off the screen.


  1. Funny! Even before I read your comments, seeing the cartoon I thought of you!

  2. hahaha! I echo jhh's statement. Funny, but for me it started with putting little stars when I read a particular verse that struck me or that I felt had great application. Then it was two stars, then three, and so on. Now - as it should - my Book looks like a galaxy with all the stars!
