Friday, May 23, 2008

Living water

I've been thinking about something that happened while my parents were visiting this last week. It was an insight that I really believe the Lord gave me in the moment. During their stay my dad's blood pressure went very low- 90 over 40. That's not exactly the numbers, but close. In case you don't know that's not good. We decided, upon his doctor's advice, to take dad to the emergency room at hospital. Once they got him in a room they hooked up a saline I.V. and within an hour he was feeling much better. As I watched all of this happen in real time it suddenly struck me- dad is dehydrated! Now the strange thing was that the doctor didn't say a thing about this. They simply released him. On the way home I told dad, "You need to drink more water. Your problem is that you are dehydrated and your body isn't able to function as it was designed."
The next day we started the day with a bottle of water and then another mid-day. The change was dramatic! He is feeling much better, and this little insight I think I got from the Lord has made a huge difference. Now you know, if you have read my blog for very long at all, I will find a spiritual application for the things that happen in my life, but for this one it's easy- just as water is needed for our bodies to work as designed our spirits need God's word to give us what we need to function as designed. It's so easy for us to get busy and miss time in the word of God, but if you do, from my observations, you will find that your spiritual blood pressure will drop and you will quickly realize that you are dried out, spiritually dehydrated. Just as our bodies need water our spirits need God's word. It's what makes us work as we were designed.
One of the first things I ask someone as we work through life issues and talk about the Christian life is this, "Are you spending time in the word of God each day?" Sadly I must tell you that more than 80% of the time the answer is "no". How can we work as designed if we aren't getting what we need to function? How can we hydrate our spirits if we don't take in God's word as a way of life? Just as water is a must for our bodies to work, God's word is vital for our spirits to thrive. If you don't drink from it daily you will find your life very dry indeed!
John 7:37 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.
John 7:38 "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" -Jesus


  1. This is just good stuff here. The foundational stuff that we need to be reminded of. I'm glad your dad is ok, too.

  2. Thanks, Mike. I agree with Heidi; Samuel Johnson said, "People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed."

  3. a great inspiration


    Alistair (Scotland)
