Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Living in his shadow

I've been thinking lately about the fact that living in the end of days is not so great after all. I always wanted to be part of the generation that was raptured, and I still think that is a real possibility, but I never considered that part of the end of days is the increasing of the birth pangs- the trials of the world as it prepares for Christ's return.
All that I see in the world around me can make me fearful if I don't stay in HIS shadow. This verse came to mind this morning as I was thinking about this,
Psa 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
Shadows are great on hot days. The temperature and blaze of the sun is diminished by the shade. To be in God's shadow means several things, 1. He's near, 2. He's protecting me from the full glare of the "sun" (whatever it might be in my life), and 3. It's a comfortable and cool place to be...in his shadow. What a thought. While those in the full glare of the sun feel all of its wrath it's greatly diminished for me. I'm still aware of it's potential, but the heat of the sun is much less as long as I stay in the shadow. So today, let me invite you to join me in HIS shadow. It's really nice here, and it is great to know that he is near.

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