Friday, May 16, 2008

Life in a box

Tonight we have been talking about a discovery we made when we moved into our home. In the attic was a solitary box, taped shut and waiting for us. It was unusual because it was the only box in the attic loft area. We were curious and carried the prize down from the attic to investigate. In it was an entire life....a drivers license, a nurses card, a hat, some papers, a few ceramic dolls and a number of other little memories from a life that had obviously ended.
We did some research and discovered that the man who sold us the house had lost his wife to cancer while living here. This was all that was left of her life that he had left behind....a forgotten life, a forgotten memory. We tried to track down her family to give the contents of the box to them, but couldn't find anyone.
It was sad that all that was left from a life was packed into a small box and left behind in an attic...forgotten to everyone. It makes me realize that life is like this accumulation of a few trinkets, a few pieces of paper, some memories...all to be left behind and forgotten. I'm glad that life is not this easily forgotten. God will not forget. The lives long since forgotten are known and remembered by him. He is the God who even knows our hair count. He won't forget the most forgotten life. My life will never end as a box of memories forgotten in an attic somewhere. Because I belong to God, because my life is valuable to him, because the things I do are not forgotten by him all of my life will be remembered by God and celebrated at the judgment seat of Christ.
No life should end as a collection of memories left behind in an attic as if it meant nothing, was worth nothing. Every life is priceless to the God who made us. Every part of our lives is remembered by the God who loves us.

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