Monday, May 12, 2008

Celebrating the day!

I just got back from the orthopedist and he set me free! He told me that I'm doing great, and can throw the crutch away, lose the walking boot and start walking in a pair of soft tennis shoes. I'm really excited! I feel liberated! So today I'm celebrating recovery. It's a great day. My recovery has been much quicker than I even imagined, and I'm thrilled for that. So, won't you celebrate with me? And, to put an end to this topic I will not mention my foot again....on to more exciting topics. But let me say thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and encouraged me through this trial. Thank you, and thank the Lord for his wonderful care.


  1. OK - Zach beat me to it. I was getting on to ask if you were free to ride the bike!

    Yippee for your recovery!

  2. Wonderful news! WooHoo!! Yippee!! Get this visual. . .you are running through the office, down the stairs, out the back doors to the outdoor area all the while more people are following you and the Chariots of Fire music is playing loudly all around. Ha! Ha! Ok, so I'm a dork today. . .just celebrating with you!
