Friday, April 04, 2008

Your turn...

Ok, it's your turn. You pick the topic of discussion, ask the question that has been burning in your head, tell me what you want us to talk about. It's your turn. What would you like to discuss?


  1. Honestly, your topics of late have been right on to me. Holding confident in knowing the Lord has a plan and that during our trials he cares for us are the thoughts of my heart and the focus of my prayers.

  2. lu,

    thanks. I was beginning to wonder if anyone was still out there. Ok, I'll continue on....

    thanks for letting me know.

  3. I got into a conversation the other day about holy day obervances, sabbath, etc...The guy said Easter, Christmas and all the rest are pagan holidays and we christians should be following the jewish festival calendar instead. Any comments?

  4. anon,

    You will find that a lot of people focus on the rules (the fences of religion) when God has opened the gate and given us great liberty in this grace we have in Christ. Some will want to stay in the fence (keep certain rules), but God has invited us to enjoy the liberty he has given us....I have had many try to make me live within their fences, but I refuse. I will not sacrifice my liberty in Christ so some man can fence me in with his rules.....that's what I consider this man's comments to you- man's rules that have no basis in scripture. He's welcome to live there, but I won't join him. I encourage you to simply smile and say, "that's interesting" and then go and enjoy the liberty that Christ has provided us....

  5. Hey Bro, Here's one I have been wrestling with. In consiration of the stewardship of time, there is clear direction from the Word that we are to minister to the poor, down and out. But most experience I have had is that most in this socio-economic realm (at least in America) either don't want help or abuse what help they get. Paul also says that if a man does not work he should not eat. (2 Thes. 3) Where is the balance? Is serving the poor for them or us? I understand that many whom Christ served walked away from Christ so, is there hope for doing some good or is it just about keeping our character in the development stage?

  6. I would like you to discuss the practice of tithing. I've been listening to a guy on the radio who preaches tithing - that is the giving of 10% of your income to the local chuch. Several pastors that I've heard have preached that tithing 10% is Old Testament Law and now we're under grace so we should give as we are led to give -it could be more or could be less than 10% depending on our circumstances. I'm curious to know what you say about it.

  7. I agree with the question about tithing...I have not a clue about that....and I think I've been listening to the same guy on the radio....enlighten me Mike! :)

  8. Dear Pastor Messerli,

    I like your comments on "the rules" and liberty :)

    I can definitely agree with that ... perhaps you might want to write further on that? There are a lot of "fences" built by Man ...

    In Christ (and FREE!)
    Vincent from Singapore

  9. I was going to ask your views on "Easter" vs. "Resurrection Day" but someone beat me to it and your answer was EXACTLY what I was looking for!!!

    Still the same ol' Pastor Mike... a very wise and loving man = )

    Anyhow, have you read or heard that most of "our" Easter observances got their start in idol worship and all the symbolism and stuff?

    Can't figure out how I got this old and never heard all of that!

  10. I have always been bothered by the fact that Christians use God's name in vain, such as "gosh", Oh My G--", etc., when clearly in the Bible it says not to do this. It has always bothered me and I wonder what you think about this.

  11. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog.

    Whether you are deep in thought, or just writing about your observations in life, you make me think about Christ and how I stand.

    I hope you are healing well!

  12. Sheila,

    Thank you for your wonderful words. What a blessing to hear from you and know that God is working through these simple words.

    Thank you for letting me know. I will be praying for you and your family.
