Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thoughts on a day

Today has been a busy day. In fact the last few have kept me going so fast I haven't had time to post anything. But I'm going through the day, a man calls the church asking for help. He had been rude to the receptionist, Connie, so she sent the call to me to help her. Here's the call as I remember it: Me- "Hi, my name is Mike, can I help you?" Phone- "Yes, my name is Chris and I need help. I've called more than 30 places and no one will help me. I'm not asking for much, I just need some help." (He's very rude and frustrated.) Me- "Ok, Chris, first you are calling me for help right?" Phone- "Yes." Me- "Ok, then being angry and hostile will have to stop. You're asking for help, that's no way to get it." Phone- "Well, I've called 30 different places and no one will help me. I just need a little help." Me- "Ok, what do you need?" Phone- "I need some shoes."
I've skipped a line because I don't want you to miss his request. He didn't ask for money, he didn't want me to pay his rent. He needed shoes. Someone had broken into his truck and taken all his stuff. He's here working from another state, and didn't have anything else to wear. I really don't know if anyone else had even listened to his story, but I thought, you know I have some extra shoes.
So I ask, Me- "Chris, what size do you wear?" Phone- "11." Me- "What kind of shoe do you need?" (Now he's getting nicer.) Phone- "I need a work shoe, OSHA approved, so I can work, one that covers my ankle." Me- "Ok, I got it. Where are you?" Phone- (pause) "I'm at ______. Oh, and if you had a few bucks for something to eat tonight, they stole my wallet too, but I get paid tomorrow and I'll pay you back." Me- "I'll be there as soon as I pick up the boots I have at home just for what you need. And I have some money, I'll give you what I have. It's enough to get a burger tonight. I'll be there as soon as I can." Phone- "Thanks..."
I told the ladies in the office where I was going...they were worried for me and tried to get another pastor to go along, but this was something I wanted to see through on my own. I got the boots, stopped and got a coke, some chips, cookies, and a few other things to eat, and made my way to Chris' location. When I got there I called him and he met me at the corner gas station. Around the corner comes a nice looking young man, maybe late 20's, who introduces himself. Chris- "Hi, I'm Chris." Me- "Hi Chris, here's the boots I told you about. They will work great for what you need. They are steel-toe boots. And here's something to eat, and here's some money for a burger." Chris- "Thanks, I'll pay you back...." Me- "You don't need to do that, but I do want you to do one thing. You need the Lord, Chris. You need a relationship with him. I'm not helping you if I don't challenge you to seek that as well." Chris- "I have a relationship with God....(his voice trailing off). Me- "I'll tell you what, Chris. When you want to talk, call me. You know where I am, and I'll buy you lunch and we can talk about this some more, ok?" Chris- "Ok...."
There are thousands of young men and women out there like Chris, who know the church is the place to call when they have a need, but are rebuffed because they are angry, hurting, just needing some shoes. What do we miss when we only hear the anger and forget the eternal soul of that hurting person. So, as you pray today, would you pray for Chris? Would you think about him, and watch for the opportunities to reach out to the hurting people around you who just need a pair of shoes and the love of a Christian?


  1. I love those kind of days in ministry! There's a pun in here somewhere about shoes and his soul but we can leave that for the day he receives Christ. :-)

    I'll pray for Chris this evening.

  2. I so identify with this story..both the frustration of you assistant, but the inner urging from God that we need to take the time to hear what the frustrated and angry folks are really asking for. My job requires me to listen to many angry and frustrated people who are only trying to get what they feel is due them. My job is to try to intercede and get that help. Sometime it works, sometimes it doesn't, and many times...they just need an ear to listen, to know that someone cares. It is hard to lose sight of that during any particular day. I pray every day that I will 'listen' and try to hear between the words what they are really looking for.

  3. wow...
    thank your for serving and sharing the story with us

  4. To Mike's other readers
    Where did Mike get so wise. I will post one , how many more can you find
    Pro 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his foolishness, lest you become like him, even you. Mike McM

  5. Thanks for sharing Mike. I'll send up a prayer for Chris.

  6. WOW!!!! bunches happens when I go away to Switzerland to teach women missionaries how to not only do inductive bible studies - but how to teach them... I come back and my dear friend mike is off serving the needy!!!!! I love this post.
    Praying for Chris - praying for you - thinking it is interesting that God called you to share something having to do with feet and ankles and toes after your latest trial.
    Hugs from Germany! May God be glorified in your willing heart.
