Monday, April 21, 2008

Quote of the day

Redemption is not simply making creation a bit better, as the optimistic evolutionist would try to suggest. Nor is it rescuing spirits and souls from an evil material world, as the Gnostic would want to say. It is the remaking of creation, having dealt with the evil that is defacing and distorting it. And it is accomplished by the same God, now known in Jesus Christ, through whom it was made in the first place. --N.T. Wright, p. 97, Surprised by Hope


  1. That a really good quote. I like that definition of redemption. Great visual for me.

    Is that a good book?

  2. It's an amazing book. I will have to read it a second time, but am going slowly to get as much as I can the first time. I highly recommend it.
