Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Praise in the desert

The measure of our life is not the circumstances we face, but how we face them. --me

Today I got to spend time talking to two of our missionaries, one on the phone from Germany and the other online in another place. Both are going through some real changes and challenges.

The lady I visited with tonight in going through the sudden reality of a physical illness that is not life threatening, but will involve ongoing pain for the rest of her life. We talked through her situation and the reality of her life. Even with real health issues she still has the choice of how she will respond to this in her life. We each get that choice...how will we respond to the things of life? James said, " Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials....," but the verse that came to my mind as I talked with this dear lady was a verse from the book of Job. Of all the characters in the bible he made some of the best choices in how he responded to what happened in his life. He said, "Though He slay me, I will hope in Him."

We may not be able to change the circumstances of our lives, but we can change our words, our focus, our hearts....we can praise him even in the desert.

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