Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My family

Last night we had dinner with a young couple who are getting ready to go back to Guatemala as missionaries. They will leave this week with their newborn daughter and their 3 year old son. What a great part of my family they are. We always love seeing them and spending time with them.
Today we ran to the airport to pick up two good friends who had gone to a missions conference in another state and were coming home today. We had lunch with them and had a great time together. What a great part of my family these friends are. It's a real treat when we can meet and spend time together.
While we were on our way back from the airport I got a call from a good friend. He called to see if I had time for lunch today. We weren't able to get together today, but will another day. What a great part of my family this dear man is to me. We have helped each other through some very difficult times.
I have an amazing family! My family is scattered all over the globe from hundreds of different races and languages. I have met family members in Brazil, Russia, Haiti and many other places I have traveled. It's always a great adventure to meet new members of my family. There are many in my family I have never met yet, but can't wait to get to know them.
The disciples asked about this and Jesus told them that his family would be bigger than they could even imagine. IT IS! I love the family of God! It's so exciting to get to know new family members and know that we will be part of God's family for eternity.
(disclaimer- I don't know anyone in the photo above......yet.)

1 comment:

  1. Here's an area where Ben Franklin's quote about fish and relatives doesn't apply! We visited with some of our family in Mississippi this last weekend! Looking forward to coffee soon, brother.
