Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lunch with a friend I never met

About 4 years ago I wrote several articles for a small group magazine that published online. As a result of those articles I got a strange e-mail. It started something like this, "Hi, my name is Volodia and I live in Kiev. Would it be ok if we corresponded? I would like to ask some questions."
When you get this kind of e-mail you have to respond. I wrote back that I would love to get to know him. It turned out that Volodia was part of a mission organization in Kiev that trained pastors in missions. We developed a great relationship. I followed their lives as he and his wife, Ruslana, had their children. I helped him with funds for a short-term mission trip he took to Turkey. And over time we were just simply good friends.
This week Volodia (on the right above) and another pastor from the Ukraine were here in Dallas for a conference with another church. By the way the other pastor's name is Volodia as well. It seems that it's like the name 'Mike' here in the states. Anyway, Volodia wrote to tell me he would be here, and could we have lunch? I was thrilled and scheduled it immediately. I have waited months for this time with my friend I had never met.
I went to the home where they were staying and we greeted each other with a big hug. I'm sure it's the way it will be in heaven- that first meeting of friends we have known for years. It was great. I took them to the ultimate American food experience- GOLDEN CORRAL! They had already tried Mexican (didn't like it), Italian (ok), and several other ethnic foods. I thought I would play it safe with an all you could eat buffet.
We had a great time, but I don't think they really got into the spirit of "all you can eat." They told me, "we don't eat as much food as Americans do." And that was enough.
After lunch I got to ask about their lives, and heard some wonderful stories. It was a great time. People in the restaurant were staring at us as they heard Russian being spoken and all 3 of us laughing. My friend, Volodia, is very fluent in English so it made it much easier for me.
Volodia asked me an interesting question at the end of our visit. He asked, "when I wrote to you that first time why did you respond?" I told him, "I always never know what God has planned for you." For me it turned into a wonderful friendship. Yesterday was a great day for me....a wonderful lunch with my friend I had never met.


  1. What a great story! That is very cool, Mike.

  2. Thank you for sharing this heart-warming story!

  3. That's how I felt when I met Fredia in Mississippi for the first time. (Maybe not quite as big of a language & culture jump, but close!) Isn't it wonderful that there is a world full of friends we haven't met yet? Heaven will be fun!

  4. What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it, Mike. And thanks for putting the picture in, too. Your a great writer; love reading your blog every day.

  5. Yippee!!!! I have been praying for this guy for a long time. Ever since you told me about him - the man over there that you were developing a cyber-space relationship with. And it is true these relationships can bud and come to fruition on so many levels.
    This is what GEM is working on right now!!!!! Praise God.
