Monday, April 07, 2008

I could have had.....

It's funny how a simple commercial speaks to a host of situations. The V8 commercials have created a number of copies, but the message is clear- you could have had something better. I'm finding that many of you are asking about that very thing...the choices I could have had versus what others offer. What I'm speaking about specifically is the topic of law and grace. The church still struggles over the conflict between law and grace. Many are still trying to blend them, so in the days ahead I want to discuss the issues of law and grace, and focus (humorously I hope) on this theme- "I could have had grace." I know that I will raise a lot of questions so ask them. What I want to do as we work through this is make it clear that you make a choice- law OR grace, pick one, you can't mix them. So what we will try to do is work through what they mean and discuss the liberty we have in Christ. It should be fun!


  1. As much as we know grace is our calling, displaying it is a different matter all together. This applies not only towards ourselves and our own shortcomings, but more importantly in how we treat and respond to others shortcomings.
